bookmark_borderBy Appointment Only

By Appointment Only

In continuing with photographing regularly, I went for something that caught my eye today. Someone must have picked up the fallen sign and placed it on the bench (the whole sign needs to be replaced, it fell and split in two with all the wind and snow we had midwinter). I have always liked the texture of that bench in black and white and I like the lines and perspective as well.  Not one of my best images (I rather like it though!) but good practice for rendering into black and white.



I was reading some photography tips yesterday to get some inspiration and something stuck with me which caused me to capture this image.  One of the tips was to think about what attracted you to photograph a particular scene.  Is it the light?  The colors?  The shapes or flow?  I was doing pushups on the porch stairs and it amused me that I could just see Steelie’s legs under the gate.  When I went to take the photo I realized that it wasn’t Steelie’s legs that attracted me as much as it was the framing of his legs under the gate bottom (otherwise I would have cut it out of the photo).  Using that information I was able to create this fun image.

bookmark_borderWood Prism

Wood Prism


I caught the slanting afternoon light on my office floor and knew I had to do something with it.  But what?  I started by photographing a clump of dried hydrangea in various positions but wasn’t happy with what I was producing.  Then I saw a flicker of a rainbow from a prism outside and remembered a large prism I have.  I like the contrast between the angles of the prism and the texture of the wood (and, of course, the rainbows!).