bookmark_borderTiny Purple Flowers

Tiny Purple Flowers


Two of my favorite things: purple flowers and cobalt glass.  I found these little flowers growing in the scrabble beside our parking lot and the lower ones at the bottom of the stairs  among the day lilies.  I made an image of this last spring of violets in this little bottle (which was a take I had done the summer before of 2 roses in the bottle) and has been one of my favorite images.  I continue the tradition with these little flowers!

bookmark_borderRing of Shadows

Ring of Shadows


Key ring on my windowsill.  It took an idiotic amount of time to make this image.  First my angles were off and I had to re-shoot.  Then the sun disappeared (leaving me contorted in a very uncomfortable position for a long time until it came back).  When I finally got the shot I couldn’t come to a decision on how I wanted to process it!  There are a lot of directions I could have gone with, but ultimately I am pleased with the final image.

Sometimes you just need to commit to a decision to get the project finished.

bookmark_borderRock Shadows

Rock Shadows


Large piece of mica in the corner caught in the slanting light of late morning (I seem to be starting with 2-day themes here; first hydrangea flowers and now slanting light…).  Again, I thought the textures and shadows lent themselves better to black and white (and it makes my makeshift ant trap in the front less glaringly obvious).