bookmark_borderYeh seb hai.

Yeh seb hai.


We got apples tonight and they were gorgeous, all dark and stripey with water condensing on them in a delicious way as they were still cold from the store!  Naturally this had to be the subject for the day’s image (especially since I didn’t take any photos earlier!).  As a side note, ever since I started using Rosetta Stone to learn Hindi, whenever I see a picture of an apple (not an actual apple necessarily, but a photo of one) I hear “Yeh seb hai” in my head.  Hence the title of this image.

I guess it’s working.




The rain made me feel unmotivated to do much of anything (including take photographs) until I remembered how it looks on the car windows.  I have often thought of making this kind of image and finally did it.  Now that I see some reflections in the droplets, I think it would be fun to purposefully have something to reflect in them; a flower, perhaps.