bookmark_borderSucculent Shadows

Shadow of my window frame and potted cactus against the wall.

This one I took in January of 2014. One of the first times I experimented with shadow and shape. I really liked the combination of the shape and varying tones of the shadows cast by the plant and my window frame and the texture of the painted wall they fall on.

It was a photo I took on a whim that I never wound up doing anything with, but I find that I actually really like it, despite the fact that it’s a departure from the kinds of photos I generally like to make.

bookmark_borderGreen Bottle Shadow

Green Bottle Shadow


I love it when an image jumps out at me.  I had just gone outside to walk around in the backyard and look for something to photograph.  I did half a lap and then went back to get a sip of water and saw this fantastic green shadow!  It took some arranging but I like the lines and colors in the result (glad I turned the cap so that the star was upright as well).  Quite pleased with this one.

bookmark_borderWood Prism

Wood Prism


I caught the slanting afternoon light on my office floor and knew I had to do something with it.  But what?  I started by photographing a clump of dried hydrangea in various positions but wasn’t happy with what I was producing.  Then I saw a flicker of a rainbow from a prism outside and remembered a large prism I have.  I like the contrast between the angles of the prism and the texture of the wood (and, of course, the rainbows!).