bookmark_borderOvercast Violets

Overcast Violets


Some violets in flower under Moss (his leaves haven’t quite unfurled yet so it’s still pretty sunny there).  I processed this image to enhance the look of the overcast afternoon.  I’ve been sticking with about f5 in Aperture priority because I like blurry backgrounds, but I think I could have opened it up a bit more for this (especially seeing as though I had it all the way down to 35mm).  I can’t wait to see what images like this one look like with a 50mm prime…

bookmark_borderBeaded Coin Net

Beaded Coin Net

My belly dance coin scarf tossed onto my table created an interesting shape as it draped over a looped microphone cord. I tried processing it in black and white but I really liked the burgundy color so I increased the contrast and softened the highlights from the window in the back and warmed up the overall tone a bit.  It gave it a dreamy effect while still maintaining the texture of the cloth and the cord (and, of course, that color!).  A bit of a departure from my regular stuff but I am pleased with the outcome.