bookmark_borderReflecting on the past

I was playing in Lightroom today and going through some of my older photos to see if I could make them better now that I have a little more editing experience under my belt (and since Lightroom has improved).

In the process, I realized that I have a lot of photos that I really like! Not only that, but the majority of images on this site are from my practice month and don’t necessarily represent my better work.

So I’m going to upload some of my better images, even though they are older, so I can populate my site with work I like!

I had considered post-dating them to when I actually took them, but I’ve decided against that. I’ll just post them as I go and write what date I took them.

So, to start (and in no particular order) here is one I took in July of 2016. It is the back window in a barn where some little opportunistic plant had taken hold inside and grew happily throughout the winter. I liked the combination of the darkness, texture and reflections from the glass and the color and texture of the moss in front, all framed by the grungy, peeling window frame. I edited it to enhance the contrast and textures.

bookmark_borderDiscarded Sunflower

Discarded Sunflower


This is one of last year’s sunflowers left outside over the winter for the chipmunks.  It startled me when I first saw it, I thought it was an animal!  I like the contrast in textures between the sunflower head and the rock, and the shape of the leaf between them.  I tried processing it as black and white but I think the muted colors add more to the image.