bookmark_borderDid I mention I love daisies?

More bright, happy black eyed Susans.

I can’t help it. They are what is blooming right now and I am constantly drawn back to them, no matter how many photos I’ve taken of them already.

I love their bright sunny faces.

I just remembered that they are from the family asteraceae, which includes sunflowers, calendula, echinacea, chrisanthamums, dahlias and zinnias, all of which I also love.

Guess you’ll be seeing a lot of asteraceae images from me.

bookmark_borderWistful Growth

Wistful Growth


Found this little plant growing on the wrong side of the window in our barn.  It seems to be looking wistfully out the window at the outdoors where it should be growing.  I edited it to accentuate the textures, contrast, bokeh and desatureted it to add a that feeling.

bookmark_borderGreen Bottle Shadow

Green Bottle Shadow


I love it when an image jumps out at me.  I had just gone outside to walk around in the backyard and look for something to photograph.  I did half a lap and then went back to get a sip of water and saw this fantastic green shadow!  It took some arranging but I like the lines and colors in the result (glad I turned the cap so that the star was upright as well).  Quite pleased with this one.

bookmark_borderChive Buds

Chive Buds


I love the color and lines in this image.  Like many of my daily images, this one was an afterthought while I was photographing something else (columbine flowers) and I wound up liking it better than the images I was trying to make in the first place!  This is also a rare (for me) time when I get to accentuate color before anything else.  I brought down the contrast and warmed it up quite a bit and then actually increased the saturation and vibrance (I’m usually prone to desaturating and sometimes increasing vibrance).  I really like the result.  It’s a learning process!