bookmark_borderGod Light

Late afternoon sun slanting through the trees to illuminate purple iris petals.

This is one of my favorite images.

For starters, iris are one of my favorite flowers. Especially purple ones. I also–since early childhood–have always loved sunbeams. This image combines colors I love (purple and green together), slanted light, blurry background, bokeh and the gorgeous tiger striping on the iris petals.

I shot SO many pictures of these flowers in this light before I wound up with something I was happy with. I just re-edited it today to bring up the saturation and make it warmer, which is what I feel it was missing all this time.

Edit: And I never even noticed the little rainbow at the bottom until I posted it just now!!

bookmark_borderNew Lens!

New Lens!

I got a new toy!  I ordered a set of cheap-o macro filters and got a chance to really try them out today.  Here are some photos I took in the backyard using the 10x filter.  I love these things!  Now I can finally get really close and get those lovely smeary backgrounds I have been craving for so long…




It was late and I came up with something quick (using my trusty giant compact fluorescent bulb and black shirt).  The image is a bit soft because I was holding the flower pot with one hand and Daisuke (my camera–he has a name now!) with the other.  Pretty as the colors are, I prefer the image in black and white.

bookmark_borderBlack Cherry (blossom)

Black Cherry (blossom)


Another later-evening photo.  Cherry blossoms again, this time under my compact fluorescent against the black t-shirt background.  I had to use a tripod this time because I had to get so close (and most of the images STILL turned out blurry–I need a remote shutter release).  I do like the effect though.  I plan to revisit this technique with other flowers…

bookmark_borderBacklit Dandelions

Backlit Dandelions

Took me way to long to decide which photo I wanted to put up for today’s post.  Mostly because I wasn’t completely happy with either one!  I like them both, but there was something about each that bothered me.  So here we have the backlit dandelion flowers and below I have included the other two I was considering.

bookmark_borderAntique Begonias

Antique Begonias


I got a second chance to take photos today.  I wasn’t ready with my camera when we left the house and we wound up going to a greenhouse down the road that had loads of beautiful flowers in bloom (I have been wanting to photograph flowers for a very long time!).  We went back after I got my camera and I shot the dahlias I was so enamored with and then a bunch of others as well.  Surprised to find that my top picks were not even of the flowers I returned to photograph!

Some other images from today:

bookmark_borderDiscarded Sunflower

Discarded Sunflower


This is one of last year’s sunflowers left outside over the winter for the chipmunks.  It startled me when I first saw it, I thought it was an animal!  I like the contrast in textures between the sunflower head and the rock, and the shape of the leaf between them.  I tried processing it as black and white but I think the muted colors add more to the image.