bookmark_borderSkeletal leaf

Partially decomposed leaf in the mud.

Sometimes it’s about eliminating distractions.

I really liked the idea of this image. I saw the leaf in the mud and loved the texture and color. I took my time and arranged it just so. I photographed it from a number of angles.

But when I went into Lightroom to edit it, nothing felt right to me. Black and white, sepia tones, vignettes, desaturated, various presets; something was just off about it each time.

I eventually gave up and went on to other things. I just came back to it today (a week or so later) and realized what it was I was missing.

There were little bits in the background that were distracting me (and, frankly, pissing me off). The little bits of green grass clippings didn’t belong.

So I removed them!

Original edited image before removing the tiny, distracting elements.

How easy is that? (sometimes the simplest things escape me…)

There are probably still lots of things that could be done to improve this image (and, like many of my other images, I may revisit in the future when I’ve got some more experience and work with it again) but I’m much happier with it now. It looks more like I wanted it to.

Sometimes all it takes is just eliminating small distractions, tidying up so that the bigger picture makes sense. I have found this to be true in my day to day life as well, so this was a poignant lesson for me today.

bookmark_borderNew Lens!

New Lens!

I got a new toy!  I ordered a set of cheap-o macro filters and got a chance to really try them out today.  Here are some photos I took in the backyard using the 10x filter.  I love these things!  Now I can finally get really close and get those lovely smeary backgrounds I have been craving for so long…

bookmark_borderWistful Growth

Wistful Growth


Found this little plant growing on the wrong side of the window in our barn.  It seems to be looking wistfully out the window at the outdoors where it should be growing.  I edited it to accentuate the textures, contrast, bokeh and desatureted it to add a that feeling.

bookmark_borderGreen Bottle Shadow

Green Bottle Shadow


I love it when an image jumps out at me.  I had just gone outside to walk around in the backyard and look for something to photograph.  I did half a lap and then went back to get a sip of water and saw this fantastic green shadow!  It took some arranging but I like the lines and colors in the result (glad I turned the cap so that the star was upright as well).  Quite pleased with this one.

bookmark_borderRobin Moth Body

Robin Moth Body


I found the body of a Robin Moth while outside for my walk today and thought it would make a good subject, especially against the weathered wood of our back porch.  I would have liked to see one of these guys alive this year (like that awesome Luna Moth last week!) but an expired one makes an easier subject to photograph I suppose.  I love the fur textures of it’s body and wings.  If I had a more morbid imagination I could probably have come up with some more creative ways to photograph this guy but I wasn’t too keen on playing around too much with a dead creature, insect or not.

bookmark_borderWood Prism

Wood Prism


I caught the slanting afternoon light on my office floor and knew I had to do something with it.  But what?  I started by photographing a clump of dried hydrangea in various positions but wasn’t happy with what I was producing.  Then I saw a flicker of a rainbow from a prism outside and remembered a large prism I have.  I like the contrast between the angles of the prism and the texture of the wood (and, of course, the rainbows!).

bookmark_borderBeaded Coin Net

Beaded Coin Net

My belly dance coin scarf tossed onto my table created an interesting shape as it draped over a looped microphone cord. I tried processing it in black and white but I really liked the burgundy color so I increased the contrast and softened the highlights from the window in the back and warmed up the overall tone a bit.  It gave it a dreamy effect while still maintaining the texture of the cloth and the cord (and, of course, that color!).  A bit of a departure from my regular stuff but I am pleased with the outcome.

bookmark_borderGrunge Toy Cars

Grunge Toy Cars


These little cars have been sitting on the outside windowsill of our pantry since before we moved here.  I’ve never touched them, they make a great subject.  Lots of texture and DOF possibilities.  Also that red one in the middle is a nice burst of color in a desaturated image.