bookmark_borderDid I mention I love daisies?

More bright, happy black eyed Susans.

I can’t help it. They are what is blooming right now and I am constantly drawn back to them, no matter how many photos I’ve taken of them already.

I love their bright sunny faces.

I just remembered that they are from the family asteraceae, which includes sunflowers, calendula, echinacea, chrisanthamums, dahlias and zinnias, all of which I also love.

Guess you’ll be seeing a lot of asteraceae images from me.

bookmark_borderBlack eyed Susans forest

Bright golden black eyed Susans, shot from the side in the morning.

I really like this image, but it feels like something isn’t quite right to me…

I got excited photographing these because of the shapes and the early morning light and the lovely smeary background (thanks to my new 50mm Nikkor lens, which I ADORE). I had something in mind for how I wanted to process them, but it was a rather nebulous idea and I wasn’t able to match what I was feeling during the editing process.

Does that ever happen to you?

I had this image in my head that was bluish and very moody but nothing I did seemed to evoke that feeling so I gave up and just went with what what I felt looked best.

I still really like the image, it just didn’t turn out the way I had expected/hoped/tried.

Maybe I’ll visit it again at a later date with new eyes (or more experience) and match my vision for it.