bookmark_borderBy Appointment Only

By Appointment Only

In continuing with photographing regularly, I went for something that caught my eye today. Someone must have picked up the fallen sign and placed it on the bench (the whole sign needs to be replaced, it fell and split in two with all the wind and snow we had midwinter). I have always liked the texture of that bench in black and white and I like the lines and perspective as well.  Not one of my best images (I rather like it though!) but good practice for rendering into black and white.

bookmark_borderWistful Growth

Wistful Growth


Found this little plant growing on the wrong side of the window in our barn.  It seems to be looking wistfully out the window at the outdoors where it should be growing.  I edited it to accentuate the textures, contrast, bokeh and desatureted it to add a that feeling.

bookmark_borderGreen Bottle Shadow

Green Bottle Shadow


I love it when an image jumps out at me.  I had just gone outside to walk around in the backyard and look for something to photograph.  I did half a lap and then went back to get a sip of water and saw this fantastic green shadow!  It took some arranging but I like the lines and colors in the result (glad I turned the cap so that the star was upright as well).  Quite pleased with this one.

bookmark_borderBlack and White Rabbit

Black and White Rabbit


My rabbit sitting on his shelf by my desk.  When I took the photo I had plans to call it “Whiskers” but most of his whiskers disappeared when I blew out the whites (despite my best efforts to bring them back with Clarity and Contrast).  And well, “Eye of the Rabbit” sounded a little too cheesy.

bookmark_borderBeaded Coin Net

Beaded Coin Net

My belly dance coin scarf tossed onto my table created an interesting shape as it draped over a looped microphone cord. I tried processing it in black and white but I really liked the burgundy color so I increased the contrast and softened the highlights from the window in the back and warmed up the overall tone a bit.  It gave it a dreamy effect while still maintaining the texture of the cloth and the cord (and, of course, that color!).  A bit of a departure from my regular stuff but I am pleased with the outcome.