bookmark_borderPlumeria Blossom

Fragrant, colorful plumeria blossoms.

These were the first full blooms from my husband’s daughter’s plumeria cuttings. They are pretty special because they were grown indoors in the northeast in a house that was pretty cold most of the winter.

We were very proud of these blooms, and I took a lot of photos of them. August 4, 2016.

bookmark_borderEarl the Chameleon

Earl, chilling on my husband’s head.

This is Earl, a panther chameleon owned by one of my husband’s students.

In January of 2014 she brought him in to visit and get some healing. He climbed up to the highest spot and the light from our living room window was perfect to completely illuminate him and darken the background.

Some really simple editing eliminated the background entirely and brought out his gorgeous colors.

bookmark_borderGod Light

Late afternoon sun slanting through the trees to illuminate purple iris petals.

This is one of my favorite images.

For starters, iris are one of my favorite flowers. Especially purple ones. I also–since early childhood–have always loved sunbeams. This image combines colors I love (purple and green together), slanted light, blurry background, bokeh and the gorgeous tiger striping on the iris petals.

I shot SO many pictures of these flowers in this light before I wound up with something I was happy with. I just re-edited it today to bring up the saturation and make it warmer, which is what I feel it was missing all this time.

Edit: And I never even noticed the little rainbow at the bottom until I posted it just now!!

bookmark_borderLeek Blossoms

Purple and white leek blossoms

This is one I took back in July of 2014. It was the first year we planted a garden and I let my leeks overgrow and bloom. I love the shape and color of the flowers, so unusual!

I overlooked this because there were others I liked better at the time. But when I came across it today I saw its potential and lightened it up and adjusted the color and tone a bit. I’m happy with the result. It’s a simple photo but I really enjoy the structure of the flowers and the color of the overall image.

bookmark_borderImpressionistic Betta

Impressionistic Betta


I did some experimenting with high ISO photography tonight photographing Galius.  As it was even darker than in my office I bumped it up to 3500 and stayed in Aperture Priority on 5.6.  Most of my images were blurry and the ones that weren’t he wasn’t in a good position (he was flaring at a blue cup outside his tank and was almost constantly in motion).  So I took the blurriest one with him in full profile to work with.

This was another choice: Impressionistic Betta