bookmark_borderBlack Cherry (blossom)

Black Cherry (blossom)


Another later-evening photo.  Cherry blossoms again, this time under my compact fluorescent against the black t-shirt background.  I had to use a tripod this time because I had to get so close (and most of the images STILL turned out blurry–I need a remote shutter release).  I do like the effect though.  I plan to revisit this technique with other flowers…

bookmark_borderGummy Bears

Gummy Bears


I’ll admit it; I couldn’t think of anything to photograph so I grabbed what was in front of me (literally, on my desk directly in front of me) and set up something to photograph quickly before it got too late.  A bit of a cop-out, I know, but It did wind up with an image I probably never would have created otherwise and I was forced to process it differently than most so I guess it worked out.

bookmark_borderBacklit Dandelions

Backlit Dandelions

Took me way to long to decide which photo I wanted to put up for today’s post.  Mostly because I wasn’t completely happy with either one!  I like them both, but there was something about each that bothered me.  So here we have the backlit dandelion flowers and below I have included the other two I was considering.

bookmark_borderRing of Shadows

Ring of Shadows


Key ring on my windowsill.  It took an idiotic amount of time to make this image.  First my angles were off and I had to re-shoot.  Then the sun disappeared (leaving me contorted in a very uncomfortable position for a long time until it came back).  When I finally got the shot I couldn’t come to a decision on how I wanted to process it!  There are a lot of directions I could have gone with, but ultimately I am pleased with the final image.

Sometimes you just need to commit to a decision to get the project finished.