bookmark_borderGod Light

Late afternoon sun slanting through the trees to illuminate purple iris petals.

This is one of my favorite images.

For starters, iris are one of my favorite flowers. Especially purple ones. I also–since early childhood–have always loved sunbeams. This image combines colors I love (purple and green together), slanted light, blurry background, bokeh and the gorgeous tiger striping on the iris petals.

I shot SO many pictures of these flowers in this light before I wound up with something I was happy with. I just re-edited it today to bring up the saturation and make it warmer, which is what I feel it was missing all this time.

Edit: And I never even noticed the little rainbow at the bottom until I posted it just now!!

bookmark_borderNew Lens!

New Lens!

I got a new toy!  I ordered a set of cheap-o macro filters and got a chance to really try them out today.  Here are some photos I took in the backyard using the 10x filter.  I love these things!  Now I can finally get really close and get those lovely smeary backgrounds I have been craving for so long…

bookmark_borderWistful Growth

Wistful Growth


Found this little plant growing on the wrong side of the window in our barn.  It seems to be looking wistfully out the window at the outdoors where it should be growing.  I edited it to accentuate the textures, contrast, bokeh and desatureted it to add a that feeling.




This is an Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar.  I was very excited to find two of these guys on my rue plant this morning.  One of my favorite butterflies!  I made a few images that I like and it took me a long time to decide but there’s something striking about the image in black and white so I chose this one.