

I was reading some photography tips yesterday to get some inspiration and something stuck with me which caused me to capture this image.  One of the tips was to think about what attracted you to photograph a particular scene.  Is it the light?  The colors?  The shapes or flow?  I was doing pushups on the porch stairs and it amused me that I could just see Steelie’s legs under the gate.  When I went to take the photo I realized that it wasn’t Steelie’s legs that attracted me as much as it was the framing of his legs under the gate bottom (otherwise I would have cut it out of the photo).  Using that information I was able to create this fun image.

bookmark_borderBlack and White Rabbit

Black and White Rabbit


My rabbit sitting on his shelf by my desk.  When I took the photo I had plans to call it “Whiskers” but most of his whiskers disappeared when I blew out the whites (despite my best efforts to bring them back with Clarity and Contrast).  And well, “Eye of the Rabbit” sounded a little too cheesy.

bookmark_borderHard Day of Play

Hard Day of Play


He seems to have this otherworldly sense of when I’m about to take a picture of him because he will move just as the shutter clicks and most photos I take of him are blurry, goofy faces or a body part I wasn’t originally photographing!  I finally got to take my time making this image when he fell asleep with his paw still on the soda bottle he had been playing with earlier.

bookmark_borderAntique Begonias

Antique Begonias


I got a second chance to take photos today.  I wasn’t ready with my camera when we left the house and we wound up going to a greenhouse down the road that had loads of beautiful flowers in bloom (I have been wanting to photograph flowers for a very long time!).  We went back after I got my camera and I shot the dahlias I was so enamored with and then a bunch of others as well.  Surprised to find that my top picks were not even of the flowers I returned to photograph!

Some other images from today:

bookmark_borderRings of Platern

Rings of Platern


It’s funny how an image will just jump out at you: We bought masks for a birthday yesterday and I thought I would make an image of the ostrich plume on the top of mine.  I took a few shots and was suddenly struck by the lines and textures of my dirty plate on the table.  The resulting image reminds me of a planet.

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Ring of Shadows


Key ring on my windowsill.  It took an idiotic amount of time to make this image.  First my angles were off and I had to re-shoot.  Then the sun disappeared (leaving me contorted in a very uncomfortable position for a long time until it came back).  When I finally got the shot I couldn’t come to a decision on how I wanted to process it!  There are a lot of directions I could have gone with, but ultimately I am pleased with the final image.

Sometimes you just need to commit to a decision to get the project finished.

bookmark_borderRock Shadows

Rock Shadows


Large piece of mica in the corner caught in the slanting light of late morning (I seem to be starting with 2-day themes here; first hydrangea flowers and now slanting light…).  Again, I thought the textures and shadows lent themselves better to black and white (and it makes my makeshift ant trap in the front less glaringly obvious).