bookmark_borderAhura and Xercei

My husband and his new baby girl.

I know I said I wasn’t going to put much personal stuff on this site, but this is an exception because it is one of my favorite photos ever. It combines two of my favorite subjects and I love how it came out.

This was actually a more-or-less candid shot. Xercei is only 4 weeks old (August 23, 2019) and he had just figured out that he wanted to keep her. He had been bonding with her laying on his chest and I was photographing the other puppies. I turned around and he had lifted her up to his face to talk to her.

The editing was so simple for this one, everything came together perfectly. The background was already fairly dark so I just darkened it further and eliminated any small distractions in Photoshop. I translated it to black and white and boosted the texture a little bit to accentuate his skin and tattoo.

This is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken and is very special to me.


Little lantern in the snow.

I took this on Valentine’s day 2014. We actually had these outside on our deck to celebrate the Lantern Festival around Chinese New Year. This particular lantern is black, it was (obviously) dark and the snow was white; I felt it was best rendered in black and white. The little tealight provided all the light for the photo. I used a tripod and a longer exposure to capture it.

bookmark_borderSucculent Shadows

Shadow of my window frame and potted cactus against the wall.

This one I took in January of 2014. One of the first times I experimented with shadow and shape. I really liked the combination of the shape and varying tones of the shadows cast by the plant and my window frame and the texture of the painted wall they fall on.

It was a photo I took on a whim that I never wound up doing anything with, but I find that I actually really like it, despite the fact that it’s a departure from the kinds of photos I generally like to make.

bookmark_borderMaribou on grass

Bit of goose down on a grass seedhead.

I took one of these on my iTouch (you can see it on my Instagram page) and decided I wanted to see what I could do with it from my camera in Lightroom.

It’s exactly the same image, just taken with a different camera and edited in a different program (I use Snapseed on my iTouch, Lightroom and Photoshop on my computer). I wanted to see if I could bring out the texture in the feather while keeping the background blurry.

Just a fun experiment!

bookmark_borderFeather and water droplets

Feather with water droplets, in black and white.

Another one of my favorite things; feathers. Normally grungy tattered feathers would offend me (I like my feathers pristine, straight and clean!) but they are uniquely photogenic. I discovered this one in the mud after a rainy night and the combination of the lines, holes and sharp points displayed in the feather and the roundness of the water droplets (plus that dark, dark background) was compelling to me. I think it makes an interesting image.

bookmark_borderA New Day

Slanting morning sun on my bowl of food and chopsticks.

I’m going (to try) to make this as uncomplicated as possible. I figure if I don’t impose too many rules on myself about this blog from the beginning, I am more likely to keep up with it and let it grow organically into whatever it is going to be.

In case you’ve been looking around but hadn’t noticed the dates of my posts, they are pretty varied and pretty far apart. Way back in 2014 I had set myself on a picture-a-day photo challenge and uploaded my images to a private blog that nobody could see but me. Last summer I thought I wanted to make it public, and even wrote a few new posts, but it turned out I wasn’t ready so I abandoned the project.

But now I’m ready.

(…well, I’m not really, but it seems that it’s time to do it anyway so I’m making myself ready)

So I’m starting the project for real this time. I’m taking off any expectations I may have about what I want it to be or what it could turn into (though I’ll keep dreaming about it making me rich!) and make it public so that I can’t back out of it this time.

deep breath

For now, I will just upload photos as individual posts and write what I feel like writing. I will do this where and how I feel like it in the beginning, just to get the ball rolling, and we’ll see where this goes.

The idea is to make my images available for people to see. To keep me accountable to creating my art so I can get better and eventually be able to make the kinds of images I really want to make.

So here it is; my first uploaded image of my (newly redesigned and remade) photoblog.

This is an image of my breakfast I took some months ago. I like capturing images like this because it was something completely everyday and ordinary, yet, when seen from a certain perspective (and with a certain amount of editing in Lightroom), it became something beautiful.

This is how I see life–I tend to find beauty in completely normal, mundane things–so it pleases me to be able to capture that feeling so I can show it to others.

And that’s my first (REAL, public) photoblog post. Phew!

Thanks for reading!

bookmark_borderBy Appointment Only

By Appointment Only

In continuing with photographing regularly, I went for something that caught my eye today. Someone must have picked up the fallen sign and placed it on the bench (the whole sign needs to be replaced, it fell and split in two with all the wind and snow we had midwinter). I have always liked the texture of that bench in black and white and I like the lines and perspective as well.  Not one of my best images (I rather like it though!) but good practice for rendering into black and white.

bookmark_borderNew Lens!

New Lens!

I got a new toy!  I ordered a set of cheap-o macro filters and got a chance to really try them out today.  Here are some photos I took in the backyard using the 10x filter.  I love these things!  Now I can finally get really close and get those lovely smeary backgrounds I have been craving for so long…




This is an Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar.  I was very excited to find two of these guys on my rue plant this morning.  One of my favorite butterflies!  I made a few images that I like and it took me a long time to decide but there’s something striking about the image in black and white so I chose this one.

bookmark_borderBlack and White Horses

Black and White Horses


I seem to have a black and white theme this week!  I love horses and would love to have more opportunities to photograph them, unfortunately I don’t see them all that often and am usually preoccupied with interacting with them personally rather than photographing them from a distance.  Hence, this is not my best work (I only got 3 today!) but I wanted to put it up for my day’s photo as I haven’t put up any horses yet as my daily image.  So here are three eating their lunch.




It was late and I came up with something quick (using my trusty giant compact fluorescent bulb and black shirt).  The image is a bit soft because I was holding the flower pot with one hand and Daisuke (my camera–he has a name now!) with the other.  Pretty as the colors are, I prefer the image in black and white.




This is one of those days where I just have to pick one and go with it.  Ironically we were filming today and I had my camera with me, I just didn’t wind up taking many photos and at the end of the day I wasn’t left with much to choose from.  Motivation to make sure I’m more deliberate about making my images I guess!