bookmark_borderYeh seb hai.

Yeh seb hai.


We got apples tonight and they were gorgeous, all dark and stripey with water condensing on them in a delicious way as they were still cold from the store!  Naturally this had to be the subject for the day’s image (especially since I didn’t take any photos earlier!).  As a side note, ever since I started using Rosetta Stone to learn Hindi, whenever I see a picture of an apple (not an actual apple necessarily, but a photo of one) I hear “Yeh seb hai” in my head.  Hence the title of this image.

I guess it’s working.

bookmark_borderBlack Cherry (blossom)

Black Cherry (blossom)


Another later-evening photo.  Cherry blossoms again, this time under my compact fluorescent against the black t-shirt background.  I had to use a tripod this time because I had to get so close (and most of the images STILL turned out blurry–I need a remote shutter release).  I do like the effect though.  I plan to revisit this technique with other flowers…