


This is an Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar.  I was very excited to find two of these guys on my rue plant this morning.  One of my favorite butterflies!  I made a few images that I like and it took me a long time to decide but there’s something striking about the image in black and white so I chose this one.

bookmark_borderBlack and White Horses

Black and White Horses


I seem to have a black and white theme this week!  I love horses and would love to have more opportunities to photograph them, unfortunately I don’t see them all that often and am usually preoccupied with interacting with them personally rather than photographing them from a distance.  Hence, this is not my best work (I only got 3 today!) but I wanted to put it up for my day’s photo as I haven’t put up any horses yet as my daily image.  So here are three eating their lunch.

bookmark_borderImpressionistic Betta

Impressionistic Betta


I did some experimenting with high ISO photography tonight photographing Galius.  As it was even darker than in my office I bumped it up to 3500 and stayed in Aperture Priority on 5.6.  Most of my images were blurry and the ones that weren’t he wasn’t in a good position (he was flaring at a blue cup outside his tank and was almost constantly in motion).  So I took the blurriest one with him in full profile to work with.

This was another choice: Impressionistic Betta

bookmark_borderYeh seb hai.

Yeh seb hai.


We got apples tonight and they were gorgeous, all dark and stripey with water condensing on them in a delicious way as they were still cold from the store!  Naturally this had to be the subject for the day’s image (especially since I didn’t take any photos earlier!).  As a side note, ever since I started using Rosetta Stone to learn Hindi, whenever I see a picture of an apple (not an actual apple necessarily, but a photo of one) I hear “Yeh seb hai” in my head.  Hence the title of this image.

I guess it’s working.

bookmark_borderGreen Bottle Shadow

Green Bottle Shadow


I love it when an image jumps out at me.  I had just gone outside to walk around in the backyard and look for something to photograph.  I did half a lap and then went back to get a sip of water and saw this fantastic green shadow!  It took some arranging but I like the lines and colors in the result (glad I turned the cap so that the star was upright as well).  Quite pleased with this one.

bookmark_borderRobin Moth Body

Robin Moth Body


I found the body of a Robin Moth while outside for my walk today and thought it would make a good subject, especially against the weathered wood of our back porch.  I would have liked to see one of these guys alive this year (like that awesome Luna Moth last week!) but an expired one makes an easier subject to photograph I suppose.  I love the fur textures of it’s body and wings.  If I had a more morbid imagination I could probably have come up with some more creative ways to photograph this guy but I wasn’t too keen on playing around too much with a dead creature, insect or not.




It was late and I came up with something quick (using my trusty giant compact fluorescent bulb and black shirt).  The image is a bit soft because I was holding the flower pot with one hand and Daisuke (my camera–he has a name now!) with the other.  Pretty as the colors are, I prefer the image in black and white.




Though I did use my camera today pretty much all I took were snapshots (and I didn’t realize until it was too late!).  However, it is still within the bounds of my discipline so here is the image; soup.  Some friends are spending the weekend with us so we have been busy making some Asian foodstuffs for dinner.  This was one of the items.