bookmark_borderStarting Again (again)

I know I’ve started this blog thing a few times throughout the years and never really did anything with it.  That’s because every time I try to find my “niche” I wind up feeling like I’m pigeonholing myself.  

So this blog is just going to be an outlet for whatever I feel like at the moment.

We are all multifaceted beings.  I feel like I’ve spent too much of my life policing those different parts of myself to make them “fit in” with wherever (or whomever) I happened to be (with) at the moment.  I don’t want to do that any more.  But in everyday life that’s hard to change.  

So this, for me, is an exercise in bringing all those parts together to make a whole.  

I don’t know how it will evolve, but I expect it will be random and eclectic.  My intent for this thing is to take the constraints I have had off myself and just be me.  For better or worse, I guess. 

For those who know me, maybe this will give deeper insight into the way my mind and heart work and spark conversation (hopefully positive/constructive but who knows?).  

For those who don’t, perhaps something you find here will resonate with you in a way that helps you feel understood.  Or maybe just offer a perspective you hadn’t considered.

At any rate, that’s where I’m at.  Let’s see how it goes.